Vincent E. Merida
Sustainability & Environment
Environment and Natural Resources, M.Sc.
Life cycle assessment (LCA)
Environmental economics
Environmental product declaration (EPD)
About Vincent
Vincent has an interdisciplinary background in economics and life cycle analysis related to energy systems, food systems, and other infrastructure. He has education in these fields at the highest level and is expected to complete his PhD in the spring of 2025.
Vincent completed his B.A. in Business Administration from California State University of Fullerton in 2018. Building on his undergraduate education in economics and entrepreneurship, his graduate studies emphasized environmental economics and life cycle assessment. In 2021, he received a M.Sc. in Environment and Natural Resources from the University of Iceland.
His passion for sustainability began in California where he worked in distributed solar generation and started an environmentally friendly landscaping service. For the past few years, he has been pursuing a PhD in Environment and Natural Resources from the University of Iceland. During this time, he has supervised students and lectured at the master’s level, given presentations at domestic and international conferences, published multiple articles in peer-reviewed academic journals, and advanced his knowledge of sustainability principles, including life cycle assessment of energy and food systems.
Vincent’s main focuses at VERKVIST include: life cycle assessment (LCA), environmental product declaration (EPD), life cycle costing, certifications, and everything related to sustainability.
Experience & projects
Sustainability & environment
Háskóli Íslands:
Researcher & lecturer
Momentum Solar:
Solar specialist & team leader
Life cycle assessment
Certifications (Nordic Swan & BREEAM)
Environmental product declaration
Vincent has attended many courses, conferences and lectures such as.:
- LCA Food Conference, University of Barcelona (Sep 2024)
- One Click LCA Bootcamp (March 2024)
- Life Cycle Management Conference, Lille, France (Sep 2023)
- Jarðvegslíf, jarðgerð og verðmætasköpun í lífrænni ræktun - Málþing Fagráðs í lífrænum landbúnaði (March 2023)